The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend. What I think of as perfect weather for April in the midwest. As I had not fixed plans for the weekend, I woke Saturday with a desire to work in the yard. When you own a home you are supposed to enjoy working in the yard, correct? Well by midday, I was ready to put the house on the market and move into an apartment. I guess the bottom line is, I don't like yardwork! It feels like work and I work all week. One of the tasks was cleaning up after the dogs.This was the first time since the snow melted, that I was able to get out and clean up their messes. The second task was to take down the "Devil's Snare". I planted a Wisteria bush next to the trellis around my deck. I had thought it would make a nice shade under which to sit and read a good book, and the flowers are quite lovely, really.
The only problem is that the thing started taking over the yard! It grew under the deck, on top of the roof, around the tree and that was when I was cutting it back regularly. It has gotten to where I can't stand the thing. Now cutting down is not an easy task. I started to become disheartened.
R. called to ask me if any mail had come for her, and I guess my disheartened state came through in my voice! She said I sounded so depressed she was worried! So I took her the mail she needed, and we drove to Dairy Queen and got a little treat. My spirits were much improved, I tackled some more of the bush, then sat and watched a movie!
So waiting for happiness, always! Does it come often, rarely. The R can put a smile on my face most anytime. Yard work, take it in stages ( at least for me). Keeping the house? Yes I am.
The Devil's Snare, on it's way to being gone!
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