"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world-not even our troubles." Charlie Chaplin
The glooms have gotten hold of me. For days I have been feeling them. Feeling them so much I haven't even felt like writing. I just feel dull.
Two things are on my mind today, one is happy and one is not.
I will begin with the unhappy thought. Being a mom, whenever something is happening to my children, I worry and feel sad. My girl R, has to have some oral surgery to close her open bite. It is getting increasingly worse and the time has come to face the surgeon. The surgery is very scary sounding, it has her worried and me too. I just hate for my girl to go under the knife. She is the happiest, kindest, most delightful girl. First she has to have braces again, then the surgery to resection her maxilla and then 6 weeks of liquid diet! The surgeon is fantastic, he did her wisdom teeth, we feel confident in his abilities. I know things will be fine, when it is all over, she will have a closed bite again, and her life will be much better(well her dental life that is) again. But, still I worry. She is my baby! (even though she will soon be 22)
On a happier note, tonight is game night with the girlfriends again! We will eat and drink and make merry with fun board games. I came across this picture of a board game that my daughters and I used to love to play when they were little. Grandma always had board games and puzzles for the girls when we came to visit. Since we always lived away from the grandparents, when we came to visit we stayed a few days. When I saw this game, warm and happy memories flooded my mind. I think it is just what I needed this morning.
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