"That's the secret to life...replace one worry with another." Charles M. Schulz
So I guess my secret is out, I am a worrier. There is always something to worry about. Now my worries over being single forevermore are replaced by mommy worries. My children may be grown up, but they will always be first in my heart and in my thoughts and worries.
When I went on my mini-break to Arthur with my girlfriends, I purchased several hankies. They brought back memories of childhood. I had quit using hankies regularly. I like the very girly ones. The ones with flowers and scalloped edges. I have some of the manly blue polka dotted ones or with the curly things on them. I have one that was my grandfathers. But the hankies I bought in Arthur are very feminine. I bought two really old ones, and some new ones (made in China-yuk, but I bought them anyway.) The new ones are very scratchy cotton. I am trying to figure out how to soften them up. The old ones are wonderful. I wish I had purchased six more! One of the best memories was ironing my dad's hankies. When I was a little girl I thought watching my my iron was so much fun. I always wanted to help. So she would let me iron the hankies. Of course she used a new spray on starch when she ironed my dad's shirts, so they would be crisp and neat. Well I wanted to use the starch too, I was very young! She just laughed and said "How would Dad feel when he goes to use that hankie and it is stiff and scratchy." I hadn't thought of that. So I got to spray the starch on the shirts as she was ironing.
I think I will be using my new hankies soon. My girl has to have an awful surgery in early June. I will be brave and smile and get through the entire ordeal. Then alone in my room after she is asleep and comfortable, I will quietly break down in tears and dab my eyes with my new hankies!
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