"You know what your problem is, it's that you haven't seen enough movies-all of life's riddles are answered in the movies." Steve Martin
Princess Bride
LOTR Return of the King, The Two Towers, Fellowship of the Ring
Pride and Prejudice
What's Up Doc
It Happened One Night
A Day at the Races
Bringing Up Baby
Harry Potter(all of them)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Scrooge(the musical Albert Finney)
Its a Wonderful Life
Rio Bravo
Blue Hawaii
The Quiet Man
Murphy's Romance
Dear Frankie
Some Like it Hot
While not in any particular order, these are my top 20 for now( well okay so there are 21, I just couldn't stop). Of course there are so many wonderful films that I enjoy watching often and some that I watch once a year, but that could be another post.
What is on your Top 20 list? I'd love to hear from everyone, might give me some new films to watch.
OK...here we go in no particular order....
1.Godfather I
2.Godfather II
3.All That Jazz
4.Gone With the Wind
5.Wizard of Oz
6.Anchorman: The Legend of Ron...
8.The Apartment
9.Big Jake
11.Pulp Fiction
12.Toy Story
13.Coalminer's Daughter
14.Walk the Line
16.The Right Stuff
18.Bridge Over the River Kwai
20.Animal House
And ANY movie that is shown on Lifetime...kidding.
If no one else offers another list I am totally posting TOP 20 ADULT FILM list too. :)
How could I have ever stopped at 20! I forgot so many. Walk the Line is one of my favorite films ever! and I always watch The Godfather if I happen to be channel surfing.
Favorites at one time or another...
1. Sixteen Candles
2. Breakfast Club
3. Some Kind of Wonderful
4. Dirty Dancing
5. Escape to Witch Mountain
6. Victory
7. The Big Fish
8. A Knight's Tale
9. Enemy of the State
10. Harold and Maude
11. The Tenant
12. My Life as a Dog
13. Thelma and Louise
14. Fried Green Tomatoes
15. Knotting Hill
16. About a Boy
17. Elf
18. Foul Play
19. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
20. A Room with a View
I'll try to come up with 20-I'm not that much of a movie person:
Blazing Saddles
Star Wars (IV-VI)
Jean de Florette
Manon of the Spring
Say Anything
Life Aquatic with Steve Zizou
Lost in Translation
The Pianist
Like Water for Chocolate (even though the book is better!)
Saving Private Ryan
Brokeback Mountain
The Blues Brothers
Henry V
Born into Brothels (a *very* good documentary)
Wayne's World
March of the Penguins (who doesn't love penguins?)
Super Size Me (great for making you think about what you consume)
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