"You can wake up each morning just trying to get to the end of the day, or you can do everything in your power to make this the best day ever." Kermit the Frog
My head is swimming with random thoughts this morning. I guess that is what a 5 day weekend does for a single woman in her 50's! First let's talk about the frog.
Kermit the frog is my absolute favorite Muppet. I adore the Muppets and I think Jim Henson is a genius. Kermit is full of wonderful thoughts for living, and he just happens to be green, my favorite color of all time.
My girl R bought me a book for Christmas, Before you Leap A Frog's-Eye View of Life 's Greatest Lessons by Kermit the Frog and I just finished it last night. Sheesh (as Kermit would say) it took me a while to read. The truth of the matter is I snuck a couple of other books in while I was reading Kermit's great book.
Kermit and the Muppet's make me think of when my son, R, was a little boy. I walked down memory lane thinking of him and how adorable he was as a little boy. He loved Miss Piggy.
I have a set of friends who just had a baby on Wednesday July 2. They are the most wonderful family and invited the girls and I to visit them in the hospital. We all got to hold the beautiful baby girl. Watching my girls hold her made me feel so happy, and holding her myself sent me down memory lane, yet again. It is the most wonderful feeling to hold your daughter in your arms for the first time. I relived a lot of happy and funny moments of my girls, births and growing up years. Seeing the two brothers of the family we visited see their baby sister for the first time was truly amazing. What a lovely family; I am truly blessed to know them all.
Then on Saturday I attended a baby shower for my friends son and daughter in law. It was a great deal of fun, but again, I was walking down memory lane!
Now it's time to discuss fireworks! I think I have reached a point in my life where going into the crowd to see the fireworks up close and personal has lost its' magic. It was a beautiful night for fireworks, the weather was lovely. I went with two good friend, who I really enjoy being with, but the spark (pun intended) was just not there for me this year. I really just wanted to be home watching a movie, sipping a drink and then reading for a while. Instead, I sat in a crowd on a blanket on the damp ground, not very comfortable at all. Then when the finale of the fireworks display began, my chest cavity was vibrating as was the ground under me. It was just too much for me. As much as I used to love fireworks, I just think I am beyond that type of "fun" now. I never was much for a crowd anyway, and I just prefer much more intimate gatherings of friends now.
My last random thought is how much fun I had visiting my sister and her family on Thursday. You see my sister is having surgery this morning, and we wanted to go down to my hometown and visit and have some fun with her. That involved renting a car. I was pleased that the car I rented only took one tank of gas for the 6 hour round trip. I had a marvelous relaxing time with my sister, her daughter and son, and her daughter's daughter, my great niece. Of course I enjoyed seeing my brother in law also. I wish that I could afford to drive down to Alton more often. I miss my family.
So there it is, all the randomness one can take for a while. So, like Kermit, I am going to try to make the most of each day and stop moping around.
Kermit is the best. I've been trying to find a digital version of rainbow connection with kermit, but can't find one. :)
Oh, btw, I remember seeing "The Muppet Movie" at the theater with R and him saying something like "Go Miss Piggy!!!" when the scene came up where she karate chops everyone to save Kermit. :)
It was a lot of fun.
Oh the memories, I can't forget that memory of R in the isle of the movie theater shouting "Go Miss Piggy!
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