"There are only two ways to liver your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
It's February. I woke up this morning feeling very uninspired. It's Monday. I don't like having to get out of my comfy bed to get up and get ready for work. And did I mention it is February? I am not really a morning person, but I like to get to work early to get the day going and to be alone in my office for a couple of hours before everyone else gets here. Now I truly love my co-workers, but the quiet of my office in the early morning hours is really nice.
So I forced myself out of bed, showered, fed the cats and dogs and fish. Put together my lunch and grabbed a yogurt and fixed my soy milk with flax oil to take with me. I folded Janet's laundry. I made sure I had my cell phone and glasses in my bag, I didn't want to forget anything (I have been known to forget my glasses and/or cell phone on occasion). I brought the dogs in from outside and gave them a treat. I grabbed the bag Janet's laundry, my bag of workout clothes and sneakers, and my work bag and happily headed out the door. All of this in 45 minutes! I felt like I was ahead of the game. About one and one half blocks from home I remembered I forgot my cup of soy milk. I left it sitting right next to where I picked up all those bags! Well that made me feel even more uninspired. I am forgetting more and more things and it seems I am always 5 minutes late for everything. I used to always be early!
So I started looking for inspiration when I got to work. First I saw this quote by Einstein hanging by my desk, then I found this photo of Stirling Scotland with Wallace Monument and a view of the Highlands. Suddenly, I remembered how truly blessed I have been and should always remember how to live as though everything is a miracle! I am feeling more and more inspired.
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