Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Curiouser and Curiouser

Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influences of each.   Henry David Thoreau

Now normally I think that is very sage advice, but I can't quite figure out what season it is here in Illinois!

On Thursday last we had a beautiful 10 inch snowfall.  I was all excited, it really is winter! I had a fire in the fireplace and watched snowy movies.  

Now here it is Tuesday and the snow is gone, replaced by lots of water from a thunderstorm we had overnight!  It was a spring type thunderstorm.   We had the strangest fog all day yesterday. Very eerie. 
 I went to pick Regena up from work last night at 10:00pm.  The fog was so much less than it had been earlier that I decided to take Race street to Curtis. That takes me out of the city and into the farm fields.  Well what a mistake that was!   It is really dark out there with no lights and the fog rolled in.  All I could see was the beam of my headlights  and the occasional brightness due to the lightning!   Yes I said lightning! I rolled down my window to try to see where exactly I was on the road, No painted lines!
The snow was in the fields being illuminated by lightning. Now I know that road like the back of my hand, but I was never so glad to see the lights of Savoy as I neared the stop at First and Curtis.  I felt like I had been in the scene from the Incredible Shrinking Man when he drove through the misty fog.

Then when I returned home the thunderstorm intensified.  I was feeling very lonely and a little bit freaked out, wishing I had another human in the house.  I mean the dogs and cats can't talk.

So I am feeling very confused is it Winter  or Spring?

I must say I am glad that I don't have to gingerly climb over the piled up snow at the curb to get into and out of my car at work.

I think that Ed is predicting snow again tomorrow!   Oy!

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