Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine Day

"Where there is great love there are always miracles" 
Willa Cather

Valentine's day has me thinking about love.  Love is a miracle. 
I hold that love should be cherished each and every day, not just on Valentine's day.  

Now I have no romance in my live at present.  But, I have a heart full of love.  My Janet gave me a beautiful and very thoughtful card for Valentine's day.  She gave it to me Tuesday at dinner with instructions to open it on Valentine's day.  So I did just that as soon as I got up this morning. My heart smiled.

I am having lunch with my dear friend Linda and we are going to buy ourselves a little Valentine gift at International Galleries.  It is a tradition we started last year and plan to keep up! 

So Happy Valentine's day to all my friends, who I hold dear to my heart.  You know who you are!   And Happy Valentine's day to everyone!

Oh one last thought,  this photo is a fluorite heart, the Illinois state mineral, and a must for a rock nut like me.

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