"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson
I awoke this morning to the radio, as I do every morning. I listen to the local weather forecast and then I get my self out of bed. Well the forecast for today was most pleasant. I fed the herd then let the dogs out for their morning constitutional. When I opened the door, I just felt a rush of pleasure. The coolness of the air, the sunshine and the birds singing just made me smile. My three sunflowers around my veggie garden are about to bloom and everything looked so inviting.
As I was driving west bound to work, the sun shining through the trees was truly beautiful. As I approached the Assembly Hall the white dome glistening in the sun shine seemed to be saying see how beautiful I am. the Assembly Hall here in Champaign is an icon. I truly hope the University realizes what a treasure this odd building is sitting on the prairie looking like a scene from a 50's sci-fi movie.
Anyway I felt great comfort on this beautiful morning. Then when I got to work and read my e-mail, I was reading a newsletter from Real Age that gives healthful tips for the day. It was about beating the blues and staying happy to decrease the risk of diabetes and other disease. It seems that stress and depression can take a toll on you physically as well as mentally.
So I plan on taking RWEmerson's advice and believe that every day is the best of the year.
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