"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Recently I attended my 35th high school reunion. Now this was the first reunion that I have gone to since graduating in 1973!
When I got the invitation that had our mascot, the terrific Piasa Bird, printed on it, I could not resist the temptation to go. I was a little afraid to have to attend all by myself, with not spouse hanging on my arm, but send in the check for the food, I did!
As luck would have it my sister and her family live close to the restaurant where the reunion was being held. I had a great place to stay and people I love to hang out with before I walked into that room of total strangers! Yes, although I went to school with those people they all seemed strange to me!
I had a momentary attack of nerves before I had to get ready to go. Really I thought of backing out. I am a bit heavier than I was in high school and I didn't have that many friends anyway.
I braved it out, walked up to the registration table and felt more comfortable when someone recognized right away.
I sat with an old friend and his wife(well really he was a boyfriend before he was a friend) and had a couple of Vodka Martinis. I couldn't really eat much because I was too nervous.
Then just when I was getting ready to leave ( my sister called to tell me she was on the way, you see I never drink and drive, you learn these lessons as you get older!) another old boyfriend, who I didn't even see arrive called out my name.
It was fun to see people that I haven't seen for 35 years. Most of the women look a lot like they did in high school, some slightly heavier but, most of the guys I would not even have know if I had seen them on the street!
So will I go back in 5 years and see what everyone looks like then, I think I might.
One thing that took my by total surprise, was the memorial board. It had not occurred to me that people from my class had died. Of course, one died in a car accident when we were in high school, but several have died in 2003 and 2005. I don't know why I was surprised, but my own mortality was suddenly right up there in the front of my mind.
All in all I had a fun experience, with this little experiment of doing something all by myself that I have never done before and have been afraid of doing!
What other experiments can I try? How about you, any life experiments you are thinking of tyring?
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