The vernal equinox happened at 1:48am central time. Vernal- in, of, or appropriate to spring. Equinox- equal day and night. The sun was not up when I left for work, this cold crisp, first day of official spring. The trees are still bare, but I have seen the green beginning to shoot out of the ground, covered yet by fallen leaves, left over from the last raking.
It is also Holy Week for us Catholics, which means three of my favorite masses in the church calender, beginning tonight with Holy Thursday, the feast of the last supper. Easter Sunday morning is one of my favorite times of the Spring. We get dressed up and go to church where the trumpets sound and hope fills the air. Then home to hunt for Easter eggs, that we dyed the day before. Yes, my girls may be grown up, but we still enjoy these fun and symbolic Easter traditions. Then a day of laying about watching movies, and playing games.
Also, this is my last day of work for the week. I am feeling a sense of freedom invade my soul.
Happy Easter to all.
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