Thursday, March 6, 2008

My baby brother

"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it whoever you are, you need one."  Jane Howard

My baby brother is 40 years old today.  I remember the day he came home from the hospital. He is an amazing man with a wife and two terrific children.  He works hard, plays hard and knows how to have fun and make the most of life. When life threw him curve balls, he hit them out of the park.  

He was 10 years old when our mother died. What a confusing time of life for a 10 year old to suddenly be without a mother.  I stepped up and did the best for him that I could.  Shortly after we buried our mother, he got in trouble at school,  I think it was for talking. I was so angry at his teacher that she made him stay after school for detention that I called her and let her know exactly how I felt about her (it seems that Irish ancestor blood is rather strong in me).  I asked her to consider that this 10 year old just lost his mother and that she should be caring and compassionate with him for a while, I mean it wasn't as if he had done anything terrible in school.  She gave me a song and dance about having lost her mother too, and I just said to her but you are not 10 years old.  

My baby brother was happy from the time he was born.  He smiles and laughs and loves life. He married the girl next door and had a little girl.  Well, sometime later the girl next door jumped ship for another man.  My brother, instead of becoming despondent, rose to the challenge, raised his daughter, mostly on his own, and embraced life until he finally found a nice, intelligent woman and remarried.  He now has a little boy of his own, who is as happy and fun loving as his dad.  

My brother can quote lines from movies that he has only seen once!  He still has a zest for life. I am in awe of this truly kind, loving man.   Happy Birthday Mikey!

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