"Light be the Earth upon you, lightly rest." Euripides
Right now I am listening to a compilation of music from Bollywood films. My beautiful daughter made a cd for me. I have been contemplating how much fun I have had watching these “new” films with her and enjoying the music.
For me, getting really excited about something new; music or movies, makes life fun. I still love all the “old” music and movies, but the thought of something totally new to me keeps me totally bursting with anticipation of the next movie or music to immerse myself in.
I have something to look forward to again. It also works like this, for me, with books. If I find an author I truly enjoy, I wait in joyful anticipation for the next book and the next. It can be any sort of book, if I enjoy the author. I don’t always like the most critically acclaimed books and I often enjoy just plain fluff.
Television shows that I really love are like this too. I can’t wait for the next show. Although, there are fewer television shows that I love as opposed to movies, music and books.
Thinking about something new, awaiting somewhere in time, keeps me excited.
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Wednesday while I was watching the championship game of the hockey tournament, I received a phone call. It was quite a surprise. An awesome woman, who is the mother of Dave, a man I dated, who I am still friends with called me up to say hello. She was alone at Dave’s house, Dave and his Dad were off to Ohio to meet the bus carrying the players.
Dave’s dad would take over the driving duties of the bus, from Dave’s brother Doug and Dave would drive Doug back to Urbana.
It was a pleasant surprise and I thoroughly enjoyed conversing with Dave’s mom. She is a lovely person who raised 8 children. I find that totally amazing. She makes the trip to Florida with Dave’s dad every winter, even though her health is not what it once was. They had stopped on their way home to visit Dave. I am inspired by her attitude concerning life. She is aging, has health issues, but she never lets that stop her from enjoying life and living it.
I have watched Dave’s home movies of when he was a little boy. What a nice family they have, and it brought back wonderful memories of my own childhood. It seems like all of us born in the fifties have very similar memories. Life was very entertaining for us as youngsters, we played outside and used our imaginations. Mothers weren’t burdened with all the worries that the mother’s of today have. We didn’t have internet and we didn’t watch television all the time. We didn’t play computer games, we played outside, we didn’t have car seats and most of us survived into adult hood. I played with dolls until I was 12 years old and no one thought that was stupid or childish. We were not pushed to grow up quickly, or be more intelligent or more developmentally ahead of other children our age. We walked when we did, we learned to talk whenever and there was no effort to growing up. It might be said we had a stress free childhood. We had a happy childhood. I have spoken to other of my friends about the time we grew up in. Our parents trusted us to use the good judgment that they had raised us with. Maybe they worried about us, but I guess we never really knew that at the time.
Watching Dave’s movies, it seemed as if you just changed the faces, it could be your own home movie. I am awfully glad to know Dave’s mom and I am glad that I grew up in the time that I did.
Another awesome mother from that time is my ex- husband’s mother. She was a wonderful mother, and an awesome woman. She welcomed me into their family with warmth, grace and love. She treated me like her own daughters. I saw her be subjected to humiliation by her husband, and boy is that another story, and come out the far better person each and every time he verbally abused her. He was not so nice a person. She is a jewel and while I don’t much miss her son any longer, I miss not being able to be around her more. I do still get to see her sometimes, she has come to my home for graduation parties and we mail sometimes, but it is not the same as really having her in my life.
Now on to moms of today that truly inspire me. There are two of note that I am giving a shout out to. One is my friend, Corrine. Corrine is about to birth her second daughter. Corrine is one of the most beautiful pregnant woman I know. Yes indeed, you heard me right, I think pregnant women are beautiful. It is not always easy being pregnant, but Corrine does it with style and grace. She is an awesome mom. Her outlook on motherhood is something I admire and respect. She is happy and confident in her ability to love and raise two delightful little girls. I can’t wait to see this one!
The second award winning mom of today, is my friend Ali. Ali has two boys and is carrying her third child. We don’t yet know if it is a boy or a girl, but what I do know is that Ali is an outstanding mom. She has a cheerful and happy attitude about pregnancy, motherhood, love and well life in general.
I am so grateful and fortunate to know these two very intelligent, happy, delightful moms.