I have never seen our goalie get into a fight at center ice, but it appears that indeed it did happen. Looks like he will be sitting the next game out, after a game disqualification. In all eight players were ejected and 3 Illini were disqualified for fighting! It seemed to start with a nasty slashing to Brad Hoelzer, an excellent player, how dare they try to hurt his hand, just because we were up 10-1! Anyway head over the the web site for details.
Sunday was a great day, J and I went to mass, then went home and ate breakfast, I did some Christmas cards(but I am not finished yet!) then S picked me up and we went to a junior league ice hockey game in Danville. S is housing one of the players. It was so much fun, then we headed over to the old fashioned Christmas in an historic house museum in Danville. That was fun! Then up to see S's mom and back to my place for dinner. Now I know I have found the perfect man for me, I mean we went from Ice Hockey to a museum! He is exceptional in every way.
So it was a delightful weekend that I was not ready for it to end. It was really icy when I came to work and I want to get through the day and go home and finish those Christmas cards. And I get to pick R up at the airport this evening. I will be glad when she is home!