"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. " Carl Jung
Well there are no words to describe how happy I am feeling this morning. The feelings of being with someone you truly admire and enjoy being with are the best and I haven't experienced them in quite a while. Oh I have been out with a guy and enjoyed myself, but not the way I enjoyed myself with Steve this weekend. There is a deeper feeling of joy and a sense that he is a genuine person, who I believe I can trust.
He suits my personality quite well. We enjoyed a museum, a concert, a dinner and a movie.
This morning I am walking on clouds!
I really hope this feeling endures, and I hope he stays around for a long time.
um if this is how sappy you are going to be now that you are getting laid...
good for you. :))))
well I am not actually, but sappy I am yes indeed!
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